We all are travelers!

We all have been traveling in space since our beginning. We all aboard the Earth.

The Earth turns on its axis at 1,666km per hour, goes around the Sun at the speed of 107,208km per hour. And the Sun also goes around the center, a black hall, of our galaxy at 70,000km per hour. The diameter of Milky way is approximately 100,000 light-year, and the Sun is located on 28,000 light-year distance from the center. A full circle requires 2.26 hundred million years for the Sun.

Then let’s check how far we can travel per year.

The Earth rotation velocity is 1,666km per hour. x 24 hours = about 40,000km per day/ The Earth orbital speed is 107,285km per hour x 24 = about 2,574,840km per day. / The Sun orbital speed is 70,000km per hour x 24 = about 1,680,000km per day.

40,000km + 2,574,840km z; 1,680,000km = 4,294,840km per day – this is the distance we move a day by just attached to the Earth! x 365 days =1,567,616,600km per year. And We all are heading in the same direction!

Multiply your age and you know how far you have traveled so far!

Don’t miss fun of your travel!

Time flies relatively!

This is not the theory of relativity by Dr. Albert Einstein.

Pleasant hours fly past. Sometimes time goes by so slow when you do not enjoy much. Different people have different ways of feeling on time passage. There must be perception gap in time.

Let’s see one (1) year time objectively for each generation.

How long does one (1) year take up for one (1) year-old person? = 1/1 =100%

How about for two (2) year-old person ? = 1/2 =50%

How about for ten (10) year-old person ? = 1/10 = 10% How about for twenty (20) year-old person ? = 1/20 = 5% Then how about for fifty (50) year-old person ? = 1/50 = 2% I am 64 years old, that means 1/64 = 1.56%. One (1) year is 1.56% time length of life so far. No wonder I feel one year goes by so fast year by year recently.

New Year 2021 is near. I would like to present a calendar of the earth. By way of experiment, let me change time length, 46 Hundred Million Years to 1 year to see how the mother planet has been growing and when our human being was born.

January 1: (46 Hundred Million Years ago) A Happy New Year – Birth of primeval earth in gaseous proto solar system / January 12: Separation of the earth and the moon by the impact of huge meteorite / January 16 : Beginning of earth crust formation

February 9: (41 HMY ago) Coming up land and sea after earth crust formation / February 17: Birth of material of life such as protein and nucleic acid through some chemical reaction in primordial ocean/ February 25: (39 HMY ago) Birth of the first primitive life – protobiont

March 29: (35 HMY ago) Birth of light energy absorbing bacteria

May 31: (27 HMY ago) Forming of a strong magnetic field in the earth / Photosynthesizing cyanobacteria came up on stage, colonized and expelled oxygen, which prevented harmful particles from space.

June 8: Volcanic activities and continent formation / June 28: Whole earth covered with ice and frozen

July 10: (22 HMY ago) Arrival of Eukaryotic life / July 18: Increasing oxygen in air

August 3: (19 HMY ago) Formation and gradual cleavage of the first supercontinent “Neuna”

September 3: (15 HMY ago) Gathering of cleaved continents / September 11: (14 HMY ago) Reformation and gradual cleavage of supercontinent / September 27: Arrival of multicellular creatures

October 13: (10 HMY ago) Formation of supercontinent “Rodiana”

November 6: (7 HMY ago) Repetition of global warming and freezing / November 14: Formation of ozone layer / November 17: Cleavage of supercontinent “Gondwana” into North and South / November 20: Arrival of fish / November 27: Around 4 a.m. mass extinction of life / movement of algae to white water (ocean) and river mouth area / movement of bryophyte (moss) to moist place / November 28: movement of plant and arthropod to land / November 29: movement of amphibian – diverged from fish – to land / November 30: (4 HMY ago) Cleavage of supercontinent “Gondwana”

December 2: Around 10 a.m. Mass extinction of life / December 3: (3 HMY ago) Large scale forest formation / Arrival of reptilian diverged from amphibian / December 10: Glacial age / December 11: Formation of supercontinent “Pangaea” by gathering of cleaved continents / December 12: Decreasing of oxygen in ocean / Around 2 a.m. Mass extinction of life / December 13: (2 HMY ago) Jurassic period / Arrival of the earliest mammal/ December 15: Cleavage of supercontinent “Pangaea” / Around noon mass extinction of life / December 19: Arrival of Avex (bird) / December 21: Cleavage of supercontinent “Pangaea” to North and South / December 24: (1 HMY ago) Global warming / December 26: Around 8:17 a.m. Dinosaur extinction by the impact of gigantic meteorite / Massive extinction of other species as well / Arrival of primitive primate from the survivors / December 29: Around 6 a.m. Arrival of anthropoid ancestor “Catarrhini” (narrow space between two nasal cavities ) / December 31: Around 10:40 a.m. Arrival of the first ape-man, “Sahelanthrops” diverged from anthropoid ape. / Around 11:37 p.m. Arrival of modern humankind – home sapiens

We all are newborn babies! Our life just began! Let’s see what we can do in the future!

Regional Happy New Year!

There are many regional calendars on the globe. I am Japanese, and follow our emperor eras in reckoning years. Some eras were short, and some were quite long such as Showa era, which lasted over 60 years. I must confess, however, this era system is not so good for me because it takes time when I check and convert historical events. Even just recent three eras – I need to convert them when an event was happened on a calculator.

Ano Domini; AD or the Christian Era is widely recoginized in Japan. The Gregorian calendar through BC and AD is widely used in the world. We can see however there are many regional calendars. In Japan besides emperor eara calendar, we follow the Gregorian calendar of the Christian Era. The Gregorian calendar is based on the Solar calendar. Many of asian people still follow the Lunar calendar or some combination of the Lunar calendar and their local calendar. In the Middle and Near East, most of them use Islamic calendar, which has been created with the Lunar calendar and their local and specific techniques.

In India, there are many local calenars. When I lived in Surat, India, I heard there were many local and spiritual new year events. Some are based on the Lunar system, some are based on Indian or local gods and goddesses.

Let’s celebrate your happy new year!
And hope everything should be going on well for you all!

Unbalance trade dificit

Japan is regularly taken to task for its unbalance trade difict.

I checked trade statistics which cover various foreign trades between Japan and other coutries i.e. about 150 countries.  The statistics have shown based on 2017 data.    A certain country has ascribed massive product import should be the main reason for taking job out of them because they could not produce within their own country.

Take a look of the statistics, which you can find them at any place through web.   The country has been claiming they are loosing job because of import products.   Her industrial structures in 2017 are 1.6% for Primary Industries, 18.4% for Secondary Industries and 80% for Teritary Industries.   Where  could we see high unemployment ratio?  High unempolyment comes from Teritary Industries, but not producing industries.

We must discuss our issues based on right data.




国際大夏で取引先のN社の方に会うと、福田さんなんでこんな時に来られたか?と言われた。来てしまったものはしょうがない。色々と話しを聞くと民主化運動を機に各軍閥が北京に集結し、人民軍兵士がそこらじゅうに居てこのビルにも発砲があったとのこと。知り合いのH氏は普段冷静沈着な方であったが、本当に怖く、人生で初めてちびりましたと言われ、私にタクシーを使って移動する時は日の丸を作って常に携行して下さいとのアドバイスをしてくれた。 どこかの軍閥が北京飯店にミサイルを設置したとか、色々な噂が飛び交って、とに各北京市内は通常には機能していない。国際大夏で情報集めをし、ホテル(日航ホテル)へ行くと、日本大使館からの伝言が黒板に書かれていた。「現在の状況に鑑み、邦人の方は極力外出を控えて下さい。」今でもはっきり記憶しています。一方American Expressも同じ様にホテルのロビーに掲示をしていた。「We will help every American Express card holder to evacuate Beijing ……」頻繁に米国出張をしていたこともありAMEXは持っていた。この時非常に頼もしくおもい、依頼お守りのつもりでAMEXはどこでも携行している。ホテルの日本レストランの店主の話では中国人従業員が逃げてしまい、どこもまともにサービスが出来ないとのことで、食事は買い置きのパンとか保存食のみで、翌日外れの香港系のホテルへ移動、そこも次の日に移動し、最後は空港に近いHoliday Innへ。





To say goodbye is to die a little.

I told one of staff members at my present office “To say goodbye is to die a little.” as farewll.  I am moving to a new satellite office.  I just quoted this message from Philipe Marowe in The Long Goodbye that I just finished yesterday.

I enjoy most of his phrase style.  They are very cool.  Expression might be a bit old fashioned, though.  It is really cool.   We need to enjoy more old fashioned cool phrases in our life.  It should be cool.  Cool is nice!

Language study

About 35 years ago I atteded a customer from Taiwan for technical training at our factory.  He stayed for a month, and my boss told me to attend him durihing his stay and asked me to study Chinese as well.  This was my fist experience to hear Chinese live.

His language was Chinese only – no English and no Japanese.

The first day at Narita Airport – I met him at the airport and brought him to a hotel in Ueno.  On the way to Ueno, I tried to communicate in hand writing with Chinese character, but I realized that I could not get enough communication with my Chinese character in Japanese style.  Meanings were slightly different.

When he checked in the hotel, he would not let me go. I wanted to tell him that I would come back with my boss who could speak Chinese, but he was so worried and he would not be alone.  Finally I called to my boss from his room, and explained our schedule, then I left.

Then I started learning Chinese with him during his stay with us.

A couple of month after he left Japan, we received other customers from China – we called main land China at that time to distinguish – anyhow, I talked to them with confidence as I had studied Chinese for a month from morning to night with a Taiwan customer, but we could not get proper communication.  Then I learned that my Chinese was not actual Chinese, but very local language – a kind of dialect – Oh no!  From that day, I started learning Mandarin.  Please be careful!



English or American

Last week a British man spoke to me in a train from Kawasaki to Kannai the other day.  I was reading a book of Raymond Chandler, The Long Good-bye. He asked me if I could understand English.  I said to him “Yes ” and he asked me how I studied English and if I could notice if he was a British or an American.  I once worked with British and American in a company at the same time, and noticed a difference of the way of speaking – for me I suppose British speeks in a high tone rather American does.

When I met a British lady a long time ago, she said that English was spoken only in UK, and American was spoken only in the USA.  She did not think that the language spoken in the USA was English.

I have studied English in many places – partially in the USA as well when I was 25years old, and once I got the way of speaking there, but since then I have talked with manny kinds of people on the glove on my business and now a day I suppose my English becomes a universal English.  It should be one of major key to the world.  We need, however, our neigborhood’s language both for fun and practical advantage.

Enjoy your learning of foreign language!



金額のあまり大きくないものは送金ベースで進めているケースが多い様です。これはある程度定期的に取引関係にある相手であればお互いの信用に応じて支払い期日を取り決めしておくことで処理出来ると思います。 初めての取引先相手の場合はやはり前金で送金をお願いするか、金額が大きい場合はL/Cを組むのが安全でお互いが約束=こちらは納期通りに商品を出荷する。相手は決められたスケジュールで商品を引き取り代金を支払う。=これがお互いに約束を守るということになります。 これは全く当たり前のことです。


例えば、こちらの都合で納期が遅れる、それも1日や2日ではなく、半月やそれ以上遅れる。お客は当初の条件通り、前送金をしてくれていた、又はL/Cを開設してくれていた。 さあ、どうしましょう? 社内の報告では製造部門の機材故障の為とか、色々と複合的な悪条件が重なってしまった。 さあ、どうしましょう?